Why should you use Tampa Tax Coach?
At Tampa Tax Coach we don't record our client's tax history, we write it. There is a HUGE difference between recording and writing! Most preparers simply take the information you give them and put the numbers in the right box. We look at your information and then ask probing questions that help us find the missed opportunities that are so often overlooked by most tax preparers. Our 30 years experience working with the tax code have given us the ability to know exactly how far we can push to help our clients pay the least amount in taxes that they can legally and ethically expect to pay. We work for you, not the IRS.
Tax Planning
The tax code changes, income goes up and down, life events like marriage, births, deaths, illness, bankruptcy, moves, home purchases and retirement happen. These are all things that affect your taxes and the tax professionals at Tampa Tax Coach will help structure your Tax Plan with an eye to minimize your tax exposure to these life events.
Tax Preparation
The General Accounting Office has recently released a report stating that over 75% of taxpayers feel they benefited by using professional tax preparation services. We could not agree more and would take it a step further. We believe that they would be even better served by avoiding the highly advertised national tax preparation franchises that claim to get back your billions while in fact; they leave billions on the table. I would further suggest that using tax preparation software to prepare your taxes at home is very problematic. The IRS tax code is over 76,000 pages long, that is a stack of books over 26 feet high. No matter how refined their software program is; it will never reach the level of sophistication to address all the nuances of the tax code and do it in a way that could be understood by the typical taxpayer. Our experience has been that many of those who use tax preparation software fail to get near the benefits afforded by having a seasoned, professional CPA prepare their return.
Here is what you will get
- You will get personalized service from every member of our staff
- You will be informed of legal and time-tested things you may want to do to reduce your tax obligations
- Your tax return will be ready when we told you it would be ready
- Your phone calls will always be answered during business hours and you will never go more than 24 hours before hearing from us
- You will never be charged for calling to talk about tax issues
- You will never be charged for our response to letters you have received from the IRS
- You will be notified of upcoming tax dates that could impact you
- You will be notified of changes in the tax code that could impact you
- You will have a highly-encrypted personal account through which we can exchange files safely
- We will train you and help you set up QuickBooks
- We will walk you through the process of deciding which business entity could be best for you
- We can help you set up your business entity and make sure it is filed with all reporting agencies
- When you need additional services outside our area of expertise you will be referred only to professionals we know and trust